Saturday, April 4, 2015

Climb the Cathedral Spire

What do I do in my spare time.  I climbed the Cathedral Spire with two of my friends and thought you would like to see what is inside.

 This is looking down on the first ladder we had to climb.  Does not look too bad.

These are my two friends Deacon Jacob and Deacon Alex.  After taking the stairs up to the 3rd story choir loft and climbing that first ladder this is where you wind up.

 Deacon Alex was the trail blazer and the bravest who got the hatches open and closed them behind us.
Getting some climbing in.

Thanks for opening the next hatch Deacon Alex!

glad we got to see some of the side windows

Now what do you suppose is above the windows?  RING THE BELL

And what is up here? As I tell Deacon Jacob this is the dirty floor (and trust me it has been filthy all the way up)

This is what is all the way up here!   YIKES!!  Lots of dead things.  I think I saw this dead thing in a movie once. Nasferatu?

You say you want me to climb down this?  No one said anything about getting down. LOL

Oh wait we forget the best part.  You must walk the plank.

Only Deacon Alex was brave enough to walk the cat walk but you can walk above everyone in the Cathedral and if you take a bulb out you can see the people down in the congregation from the top of the ceiling.  Shall we call Deacon Alex Phantom of the Opera?  Yes this is Deacon Alex up there.

This was by far the most fun I have had in a long time.  Leave no stone un-turned or building un-climbed.  Hard to climb with your cell phone out to take pictures I must say.